Fibre boasts a wealth of health perks. It manages blood sugar levels, keeps cholesterol in check, supports your digestive system, and even helps you lose weight. Yet, despite its many incredible health benefits, the majority of us aren’t getting enough of this essential nutrient. In fact, up to 97% of Americans are failing to reach the recommended 31.5 grams of fibre per day.
If you’re one of that 97%, not only are you putting your health at risk, but you’re slowing down any attempts to lose weight too. In this article, we show you why fibre is the secret to sustainable weight loss – and we share the simple way of boosting your intake.
Does fibre really help you lose weight?
When we think about weight loss, we tend to think about all the things we need to cut back on – sugar, fat, and carbs to name a few. But what about the foods we should be adding?
Fibre has been proven to boost weight loss. A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine shows that simply eating 30 grams of fibre every day can help you shed the pounds. And the benefits don’t stop there. This essential nutrient was shown to reduce blood pressure, and improve the body’s response to insulin.
The 2015 study involved 240 volunteers, half of whom were asked to follow the American Heart Association’s (AHA) diet for preventing heart disease. Packed with fruits, veggies, fish, protein and high-fibre foods but low in salt, sugar, fat and alcohol, the diet was fairly difficult to follow. The other half, however, were simply asked to incorporate 30 grams or more of fibre each day. None of the volunteers were advised on how much to exercise, and all suffered from high blood pressure and high blood sugar.
By the end of the study, each participant averaged an intake of 19 grams of fiber a day. The results were similar too: both groups lost weight, improved their insulin response and reduced their blood pressure.
This study is just one example of how adding fibre to your diet can promote healthy and sustainable weight loss.
How does fibre support weight loss?
Soluble fibre reduces appetite
Cutting calories is a reliable way of losing weight, but that doesn’t mean that you have to put up with hunger. Fibre helps you reduce excessive food intake by curbing appetite. It does this in two ways: by regulating hormones involved in appetite control, and slowing the movement of food through the gut.
Soluble fibre helps shift belly fat
When it comes to dieting, melting away belly fat is usually the goal. And the good news is that soluble fibre can help with just that! Soluble fibre sources like glucomannan mix with water to create a gel-like substance that slows down how fast the stomach releases digested food into the gut, while also increasing the variety of gut bacteria. The result is increased weight loss, with studies showing that people who eat more soluble fibre have a lower risk of belly fat.
How to incorporate soluble fibre into your diet
There are so many delicious fibre-rich foods, making it simple to incorporate this essential nutrient into your diet.
Soluble fibre is found in barley, seeds, nuts, lentils, peas and oat bran.
Insoluble fibre is found in vegetables, wheat bran and whole grains.
Eating a mixture of soluble and insoluble fibres is essentials for all-round health, and sustainable weight loss. But often it’s not easy to reach those fibre goals (that’s why 97% of Americans manage it). That’s where a fibre supplement comes in.
Supplements containing high quality sources of fibre like psyllium husk, glucomannan and sugar beet fibre have been proven to promote weight loss.
In fact, one study involving 200 overweight participants revealed that psyllium seed husks and glucomannan massively boosted weight loss, with the psyllium and glucomannan supplement group losing on average, 9.96 lbs and 10.14 lbs respectively.
ncapsulate® FIBRESLIM is packed with all the soluble fibre, prebiotics, probiotics and gut-soothing herbs you need to support sustainable weight loss, and all-round great gut health. Available in a tasty powder form, it couldn’t be easier to incorporate this all-natural supplement into your daily routine.