Some people question and belittle the necessity and usefulness of supplementing a balanced diet with dietary supplements.
Here's why it's so crucial.
Greater Nutritional Needs
Our environments and lifestyles have changed drastically and more quickly than ever over the past century.
Modern day society is faced with far more stress than prior generations.
Environmental pollution is increasing and toxins are entering our air and water on a daily basis.
We don’t slow down, chew our food and eat in a manner to allow our bodies to digest and re-energise at optimum levels.
To cope with and combat these aggressions, our bodies need more high quality vitamins, minerals and other nutrients more than our ancestors ever did.
Poorer Quality Diet
To complicate matters, our food today is far less healthy than the food grown for prior generations.
While no amount of supplementation can and should take the place of a healthy diet, our food no longer contains the same amount of nutritional value as it did years ago — far less, in fact.
There are several reasons for the decline in nutritional value of our food.
A big contributor to this is our own chosen "fast food" lifestyle. We don't just mean burger joints and street food — even if you've thrown these out of your diet, you're likely, either deliberately or subconsciously, consuming foods high in unhealthy fats and sugars for our convenience and enjoyment, in place of fresh organically grown food.
On top of this, we are don't have the time or aren't taking the time to chew slowly and allow our salivary enzymes to begin the important digestive process, which places deficiencies and stresses on our bodies, which becomes potentially deadly in the long run.
We are not suggesting that one cannot enjoy the occasional deep fried chicken or potato chips. We strongly believe that it's what you DON'T eat and not what you eat, that is going to kill you. But therein lies the problem.
As commercial farming continues to spread across the globe, there are major side effects on our food.
- The soil has been depleted of its minerals due to lack of crop rotation.
- Food is no longer from your local farm or garden and is shipped much further now than it was in the past. While in transit, vitamins and other nutrients are naturally depleted from the food.
- Genetic modification depletes the nutritional value of the food. Foods grown for quantity or to be visually appealing in the grocery store contain far fewer vitamins and minerals than foods of the past.
- The use of chemical pesticides and fertilisers introduces toxins into our food and further degrades the nutritional quality of our food. Many people eschew the idea that organic food is necessary or beneficial — perhaps the high costs and low availability of organic foods are prompting us towards this illusion, but make no mistake, organic food was the norm until approximately half a century ago.
Any wonder why heart, circulatory and inflammatory diseases, malignant tumours, colon cancers and other forms of deadly illnesses have been rapidly on the rise since we adopted such practices with increasing prevalence? This correlation is no mere coincidence.
We invite you to regularly visit our blog and browse our range of high quality natural health supplements. You can filter our products by functional ingredient and health concern.
Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions at all. We look forward to being with you as you make the responsible choice to pursue better health for your family and yourself!